July 31, 2024

'We have fallen in love already'

 Tank's brother had gotten adopted, which made Tank pretty sad at the shelter. Luckily for him, a new family drove the next morning to adopt Tank. 

It's safe to say he quickly forgot his sadness. He is already enjoying the big yard, the sunny deck, and the fluffy pillows and blankets at his new home. 

His owners told us: "We have fallen in love already. He is loving being out in the yard and is great at fetch already. We are so happy we were able to give him a home he deserves."

Thank you for adopting Tank from the Clinton County Humane Society!

July 30, 2024

'They love each other'

 First Jax (the orange kitten) was adopted, then the adopters returned the next week to adopt Bobby (the tuxedo kitty). 

Their family told us: "They haven't seen each other in one week. They love each other!"

Thank you for adopting both Jax and Bobby from the Clinton County Humane Society!

July 29, 2024

'She brings joy to our house!'

From Sophie’s family: “We adopted Sophie two years ago, and she is a total couch potato year-round!  We are so happy that we found her with you and got to bring her home. She brings joy to our house! <3”

Thank you for adopting Sophie from the Clinton County Humane Society!

July 28, 2024

Darla is a total darling!

Pupdate: “Darla, now known as Lilly, is loving her new home. She is a wonderful little dog. Thank you so much❤️❤️”

Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

July 27, 2024

'The boys are doing great'

These kittens are quite comfy in their new home and are as cute as ever. 

Their owner told us: "The boys are doing great! They have bonded nicely. My old girl Willow is coming around slowly."

Thank you for adopting Oscar and Smokey from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

July 26, 2024

Ooooh, that kissable forehead!

This is Miss Ruby (formerly Meryl), who is settling in with her new toys.  

Her family told us: "We are IN LOVE!"🥰

They said she had an amazing first night and slept from 10:30-5:30 in her crate with little noise! Her big sister Morgan slept right next to her crate and is "so in love with her."

Thank you for adopting Ruby from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

Levi is living his well-deserved happy ending

We wanted to share this story of one of our former shelter dogs, Levi, who was adopted by two of our wonderful volunteers. The story helps illustrate how giving a homeless animal a second chance may mean even more than it seems on the surface. 🥹


“Some of you may remember Levi. For those who don't — about 6-7 years ago, my wife and I decided to get our first rescue together ... and Levi was it. He'd been down on his luck; he was underweight and abandoned, and had landed at CCHS.

“The day I picked him up, we got off to a rough start — he was so excited that he knocked me down (I laughed about it, and said he's definitely going home with me). …

“Not long after we got home, while I was giving him a good belly rub, I found some odd bumps on his stomach and inner thigh ... and at his first vet visit, we discovered what those bumps were. Before getting to CCHS (and us), Levi had been shot with buckshot.  

“After discussing it with the vet, we opted to not have (the pellets) removed because removing them could cause more complications. (We ended up having one in his inner thigh removed, as it started causing him some grief.)

“Fast forward to this year — Levi has been living the high life with his other rescue brothers and sisters. One day earlier this year, something happened that led to him injuring his back. While he is better, there was some concern that it was related to that buckshot we knew he had in him, so very recently we had him X-rayed  and were stunned by just how much he had in him.  

“Judging from the X-rays, Levi was lying down/curled up when he was shot.  Every white dot is buckshot ... in his face, his abdomen, his shoulder, his hip, his inner thighs. Frankly, he's lucky to be alive.

“That's the thing with rescues that people tend to not realize: At the shelter, information is limited to what is observed with the animals there. Their backgrounds are relatively unknown beyond that. Levi is a good example of that, and each of our rescues for the most part of had some kind of traumatic experience in life. 

“Levi was shot and abandoned; Megan (named May at the shelter) was abandoned and then returned twice because she "played too rough"; Max, our coonhound, was within an hour of being put down by his owner because he got into an altercation with another dog; Luna, our one husky, was found tangled in fencing.  

“Each are wonderful dogs, and for each of them it has taken time and patience to help them get through their past traumas.

“For anyone looking to adopt a rescue — I'd encourage it — but know that they will not be a perfectly trained pet at first. It takes time for them to adjust to new surroundings, and it takes patience because what they've been through is largely unknown when they arrive at the shelter. 

“And in the end, they will be forever grateful!

“Who knows — my wife and I might just see you there at CCHS. We've rescued a number ourselves, and we volunteer as well!


“Jeremy and Wendy” 

July 25, 2024

This birthday boy has such a generous spirit!

For his 10th birthday, Conner, a fifth-grader at New Vienna Elementary, asked his buddies to bring supplies for the Clinton County Humane Society! His friends came through for the animals with items we currently need! 

If you're looking for bright spots, look no further than these smiling faces, both human and canine! (The top photo includes Conner's dog, Shelby.)

Conner brought the donations to our shelter last week. 

Conner plays football, basketball and baseball, but he really loves animals! His mom said that he's had such a love of huskies for the last year that he even dressed up as a husky dog for Halloween last year.🐕 

We love it! 

We are so grateful to Conner's kindhearted gesture! 

Happy birthday, Conner, and thank you!🐾 

July 24, 2024

'He is a complete mama’s boy'

Roger (formerly named Bogie) is doing great and is already the star of the household! 

His family told us: “He is a perfect little dog! He slept like a baby last night with no accidents and surprisingly gets along with our cat. He loves to sneak eat cat food and his favorite place is in his mommy’s arms. He is a complete mama’s boy.”

Thank you for adopting Roger from the Clinton County Humane Society!

July 23, 2024

Such CUTENESS in one place! 😍

The adorable baby is Nova. The precious puppy is Nadia (formerly named Hannah at the shelter). The sweet 9-year-old pitbull is named Nala. 

Nadia's new owners told us that she "forged a bond with our 5-and-a-half-month-old baby girl, Nova." Nadia also became a great companion to Nala. 

"Thank you, Clinton County Humane Society, for bringing this sweet baby girl into our lives!"

Thank YOU for adopting Nadia from the Clinton County Humane Society!

From discarded dog to diabetes detector!

This is Charlie. He went from being discarded and picked up by the dog warden to being certified to help his adoptive human manage diabetes! 


His person said, "There are amazing dogs at the humane society just waiting for someone to adopt them. You never know. That special companion you’re looking for could be closer than you think. Thank you, Clinton County Humane Society, for my wonderful Charlie."

Thank YOU for adopting Charlie from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

July 22, 2024

Happy birthday to lucky Miley!

Last year we had a puppy with severe cherry eye (named Pixie at the shelter). Many of you contributed to a fund for her eye surgery, and she was later adopted by a wonderful family in Canada and named Miley. She is doing great with lots of room to run, and the family celebrated her first birthday earlier in June with a party that included her St. Bernard friend. 🥰

Thank you for adopting Miley from the Clinton County Humane Society! And thank you to those who pitched in to correct her cherry eye! And happy birthday, Miley! 

Two lucky dogs, adopted as pups from CCHS

 Nina (on the left) and her big brother Douglas may have been adopted at different times, but their bond is strong! 🐶💕 

Beautiful Nina, the younger pup, has grown to almost match handsome Douglas in size. They enjoy an amazing doggie life filled with fishing trips and lots of love from their humans! 😍🎣

Their family shared with us: "They’re the absolute best. Douglas is entirely ENTIRELY too smart with the biggest personality, and Nina is the most chill chubby girl ever. Not kidding, the world could be burning down around Nina and she would just lay there smiling. 🤣😂"

We need that kind of energy these days! 

We're overjoyed to see Nina and Douglas thriving in their forever home. Thank you to their wonderful family for giving them the love and care they deserve! 🌟🐾

Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!

#AdoptDontShop #HappyTails #RescueDogs

July 21, 2024

We are grateful for the support from our local TSC

🐾 Big thanks to TSC in Wilmington for their generous donation of cat food to our shelter! We're so grateful by their support. ❤️

And check out Ghost Pepper, the adorable black kitten perched atop the mountain of goodies. 😻 We have many more kittens waiting for loving homes. 

 #AdoptDontShop #ShelterCats #ThankYouTSC 

July 20, 2024

Just a bag or a jug at a time will help us!

Along with the kittens & cats we currently have at the shelter, more keep coming in from a waiting list, and still more are still in foster care. 

If you could pick up a container of litter for the shelter when you’re at the store — any brand, any type — we would appreciate it tremendously! You can drop it off any time on our covered porch at 1760 Fife Ave. Thank you! 


July 19, 2024

We love these dog days of summer!

Ruby (left) and Naima were both adopted from the Clinton County Humane Society at different times. Now enjoying snoozes on the couch. 

Thank you for adopting Ruby and Naima from the Clinton County Humane Society!

July 2, 2024

'She has been such a blessing already'

This is Ember May (formerly Della), who was adopted a week ago. 

Her new family told us that Ember May is "the smartest, most snuggly girl. ❤️ She has been such a blessing already to my family! She has fit right in with my other two dogs as well!"

Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!