July 26, 2024

Ooooh, that kissable forehead!

This is Miss Ruby (formerly Meryl), who is settling in with her new toys.  

Her family told us: "We are IN LOVE!"🥰

They said she had an amazing first night and slept from 10:30-5:30 in her crate with little noise! Her big sister Morgan slept right next to her crate and is "so in love with her."

Thank you for adopting Ruby from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

Levi is living his well-deserved happy ending

We wanted to share this story of one of our former shelter dogs, Levi, who was adopted by two of our wonderful volunteers. The story helps illustrate how giving a homeless animal a second chance may mean even more than it seems on the surface. 🥹


“Some of you may remember Levi. For those who don't — about 6-7 years ago, my wife and I decided to get our first rescue together ... and Levi was it. He'd been down on his luck; he was underweight and abandoned, and had landed at CCHS.

“The day I picked him up, we got off to a rough start — he was so excited that he knocked me down (I laughed about it, and said he's definitely going home with me). …

“Not long after we got home, while I was giving him a good belly rub, I found some odd bumps on his stomach and inner thigh ... and at his first vet visit, we discovered what those bumps were. Before getting to CCHS (and us), Levi had been shot with buckshot.  

“After discussing it with the vet, we opted to not have (the pellets) removed because removing them could cause more complications. (We ended up having one in his inner thigh removed, as it started causing him some grief.)

“Fast forward to this year — Levi has been living the high life with his other rescue brothers and sisters. One day earlier this year, something happened that led to him injuring his back. While he is better, there was some concern that it was related to that buckshot we knew he had in him, so very recently we had him X-rayed  and were stunned by just how much he had in him.  

“Judging from the X-rays, Levi was lying down/curled up when he was shot.  Every white dot is buckshot ... in his face, his abdomen, his shoulder, his hip, his inner thighs. Frankly, he's lucky to be alive.

“That's the thing with rescues that people tend to not realize: At the shelter, information is limited to what is observed with the animals there. Their backgrounds are relatively unknown beyond that. Levi is a good example of that, and each of our rescues for the most part of had some kind of traumatic experience in life. 

“Levi was shot and abandoned; Megan (named May at the shelter) was abandoned and then returned twice because she "played too rough"; Max, our coonhound, was within an hour of being put down by his owner because he got into an altercation with another dog; Luna, our one husky, was found tangled in fencing.  

“Each are wonderful dogs, and for each of them it has taken time and patience to help them get through their past traumas.

“For anyone looking to adopt a rescue — I'd encourage it — but know that they will not be a perfectly trained pet at first. It takes time for them to adjust to new surroundings, and it takes patience because what they've been through is largely unknown when they arrive at the shelter. 

“And in the end, they will be forever grateful!

“Who knows — my wife and I might just see you there at CCHS. We've rescued a number ourselves, and we volunteer as well!


“Jeremy and Wendy” 

July 25, 2024

This birthday boy has such a generous spirit!

For his 10th birthday, Conner, a fifth-grader at New Vienna Elementary, asked his buddies to bring supplies for the Clinton County Humane Society! His friends came through for the animals with items we currently need! 

If you're looking for bright spots, look no further than these smiling faces, both human and canine! (The top photo includes Conner's dog, Shelby.)

Conner brought the donations to our shelter last week. 

Conner plays football, basketball and baseball, but he really loves animals! His mom said that he's had such a love of huskies for the last year that he even dressed up as a husky dog for Halloween last year.🐕 

We love it! 

We are so grateful to Conner's kindhearted gesture! 

Happy birthday, Conner, and thank you!🐾 

July 24, 2024

'He is a complete mama’s boy'

Roger (formerly named Bogie) is doing great and is already the star of the household! 

His family told us: “He is a perfect little dog! He slept like a baby last night with no accidents and surprisingly gets along with our cat. He loves to sneak eat cat food and his favorite place is in his mommy’s arms. He is a complete mama’s boy.”

Thank you for adopting Roger from the Clinton County Humane Society!

July 23, 2024

Such CUTENESS in one place! 😍

The adorable baby is Nova. The precious puppy is Nadia (formerly named Hannah at the shelter). The sweet 9-year-old pitbull is named Nala. 

Nadia's new owners told us that she "forged a bond with our 5-and-a-half-month-old baby girl, Nova." Nadia also became a great companion to Nala. 

"Thank you, Clinton County Humane Society, for bringing this sweet baby girl into our lives!"

Thank YOU for adopting Nadia from the Clinton County Humane Society!

From discarded dog to diabetes detector!

This is Charlie. He went from being discarded and picked up by the dog warden to being certified to help his adoptive human manage diabetes! 


His person said, "There are amazing dogs at the humane society just waiting for someone to adopt them. You never know. That special companion you’re looking for could be closer than you think. Thank you, Clinton County Humane Society, for my wonderful Charlie."

Thank YOU for adopting Charlie from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

July 22, 2024

Happy birthday to lucky Miley!

Last year we had a puppy with severe cherry eye (named Pixie at the shelter). Many of you contributed to a fund for her eye surgery, and she was later adopted by a wonderful family in Canada and named Miley. She is doing great with lots of room to run, and the family celebrated her first birthday earlier in June with a party that included her St. Bernard friend. 🥰

Thank you for adopting Miley from the Clinton County Humane Society! And thank you to those who pitched in to correct her cherry eye! And happy birthday, Miley! 

Two lucky dogs, adopted as pups from CCHS

 Nina (on the left) and her big brother Douglas may have been adopted at different times, but their bond is strong! 🐶💕 

Beautiful Nina, the younger pup, has grown to almost match handsome Douglas in size. They enjoy an amazing doggie life filled with fishing trips and lots of love from their humans! 😍🎣

Their family shared with us: "They’re the absolute best. Douglas is entirely ENTIRELY too smart with the biggest personality, and Nina is the most chill chubby girl ever. Not kidding, the world could be burning down around Nina and she would just lay there smiling. 🤣😂"

We need that kind of energy these days! 

We're overjoyed to see Nina and Douglas thriving in their forever home. Thank you to their wonderful family for giving them the love and care they deserve! 🌟🐾

Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!

#AdoptDontShop #HappyTails #RescueDogs

July 21, 2024

We are grateful for the support from our local TSC

🐾 Big thanks to TSC in Wilmington for their generous donation of cat food to our shelter! We're so grateful by their support. ❤️

And check out Ghost Pepper, the adorable black kitten perched atop the mountain of goodies. 😻 We have many more kittens waiting for loving homes. 

 #AdoptDontShop #ShelterCats #ThankYouTSC 

July 20, 2024

Just a bag or a jug at a time will help us!

Along with the kittens & cats we currently have at the shelter, more keep coming in from a waiting list, and still more are still in foster care. 

If you could pick up a container of litter for the shelter when you’re at the store — any brand, any type — we would appreciate it tremendously! You can drop it off any time on our covered porch at 1760 Fife Ave. Thank you! 


July 19, 2024

We love these dog days of summer!

Ruby (left) and Naima were both adopted from the Clinton County Humane Society at different times. Now enjoying snoozes on the couch. 

Thank you for adopting Ruby and Naima from the Clinton County Humane Society!

July 2, 2024

'She has been such a blessing already'

This is Ember May (formerly Della), who was adopted a week ago. 

Her new family told us that Ember May is "the smartest, most snuggly girl. ❤️ She has been such a blessing already to my family! She has fit right in with my other two dogs as well!"

Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

June 27, 2024

Just a few fluffballs in their new homes

 These photos are of Bingo, Clover, and Chandler when they each first arrived in their adoptive homes! 🥰 Aren't they so stinkin' cute?!

Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!

June 20, 2024

Summer is a great time to adopt a pet!

These are pets we have available for adoption — there are more in foster care and on waiting lists! 

If you know someone looking to add to their family, please let them know that shelters are full of homeless pets! Summer is a great time to acclimate a pet to your household. 😊

For weeks now, the Petfinder platform has had major issues affecting how pet profiles are seen, so we are hoping that is fixed soon! (The app says 6/24 🤞🏼.)

Here's the link to our adoptable pets: 


June 19, 2024

Cool DQ Pup Cups will help CCHS animals

Now through July 14: What a perfect way to keep your best friend cool in this unrelenting heat!🍦

Thank you to the Dairy Queen Grill & Chill on Rombach Avenue in Wilmington for holding a Pup Cup fundraiser for the animals of the Clinton County Humane Society! 

DQ is also helping get the word out about a few of our adoptable pets! Check them out in the drive-thru line!

'We are REALLY enjoying him!'

This cutie-pie is Clark, whose adoptive people (at the time they updated us) were considering naming him Paddington. 

His family sent us updated pictures and told us: "We are REALLY enjoying him!! Thank you so much!!!"

Thank YOU for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!

June 9, 2024

Another adorable shelter pup adopted into this family

The little one is Remi (named Heidi at the shelter). Both Remi and her big brother, Theo, were adopted from our facility — must be why they resemble each other! 😁

We are so happy for Remi getting all that love and guidance in her new home!

Thank you for adopting (again!) from the Clinton County Humane Society!💓

Thank you, Bealls of Wilmington

Thank you to the staff and shoppers of Bealls in Wilmington for purchasing and donating various pet supplies, which were dropped off Monday at our facility! We appreciate the supply drive and the support of our community! 

June 8, 2024

Charger runs on nap power

 This is Charger. He naps between being his puppy self — recharging, if you will. 😄

His new family, who told us that he brings joy with his enthusiasm and cuteness, said: "He is such a good boy 😍."

Thank you for adopting Charger from the Clinton County Humane Society!

June 6, 2024

'She's super energetic and very sweet'

This is Korra, previously named Heidi at the shelter. This beautiful pup has a new family, who say Korra is doing extremely well in her new home! 

They said, "She's super energetic and very sweet. I can tell she's very intelligent, and training begins tomorrow! ... We're so glad we got to take this sweet girl home. Thank you!"

Thank you for adopting Korra from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

June 4, 2024

'He has impressed us with how smart he is'

It has been more than two weeks since handsome Nash (formerly named Sinclair) was able to leave the shelter behind him. 

It is safe to say he is living his best life.

His adoptive family told us: "He has adjusted very well. He is a very loving dog and has accepted our family as his own. He has impressed us with how smart he is and is learning quickly what is expected of him. He brings so much joy to all our lives, he is definitely help heal our broken hearts from the loss of our beloved Sully. Thank you for allowing him to be a part of our family."

Thank YOU for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

June 3, 2024

'He likes to hide all his toys'

It has been almost three months since Oliver was adopted as a puppy, and his family says it has been fun!  

Oliver's people told us: "He is completely potty-trained, and he is learned new things every day. He likes to hide all his toys; we find them all over the place. I took him to the dog park for the first time and he loved running around and meeting new friends. He is a great little dog, and we are glad we made the choice to adopt him."

Thank you for adopting Oliver from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

June 1, 2024

'Bear is the sweetest, most loving dog'

These are some of our favorite photos of recent memory! This good boy is so well loved already — and so deserving of the wonderful family who adopted him!

Bear (formerly Peter) was an angel on the drive to his new home in Pittsburgh and is settling in well. 

His family told us: "His fur brother and human brothers welcomed him into the fold. Bear loves snuggling in bed, taking walks around the neighborhood, eating his meals at warp speed, and giving endless kisses. He's learning to play fetch and tug — and we even saw a bout of the zoomies! 

"Bear is the sweetest, most loving dog. We feel so lucky he made his way to our family. Thank you ALL so much for taking good care of him! We're so indebted to you."

Thank YOU for adopting Bear from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

May 31, 2024

Thank you to Leadership Clinton Class of 2024!

Class of 2024 for their final class project teamed with the Clinton County Humane Society and PAWS Humane Society for a Pet Supply Drive that ran all through the month of March.

Many members of this Leadership Clinton class secured drop-off locations in various parts of the county for those who wanted to contribute. When class members collected the donations, Leadership Clinton was overwhelmed by the positive outpour of support.

The reason why this class decided to pursue this cause is because many members of the class have adopted animals or love for animals in general. After much discussion and research, it came to light that these organizations are always in short supply of paper towels, trash bags, soap, and many other things while operating on a minimal budget. Just to name a few, LC collected hundreds of trash bags, cleaning supplies, cans of food, and so much more!

Leadership Clinton also wants to thank businesses that agreed to be drop-off locations:

● Peoples Bank in Blanchester

● Peoples Bank in Wilmington (both locations)

● Wilmington Savings Bank

“It was fun to raise the pet supplies for the shelters. It is a worthy cause and it was cool to see the community pull so many supplies together," said Danielle Theil, Peoples Bank Manager and 2024 Leadership Clinton graduate.

To conclude this project, the 2024 class of Leadership Clinton held graduation on April 23 at TinCap where they presented results of their class project. Many class members wanted to thank their places of employment and personal affiliations for sponsoring them to be a part of Leadership Clinton.

A great example of allowing for adjustment

That is Shadow on the right — he is a great example of how a family gave him time to fit into their household before giving up on him. And now he's theirs "for life." 

It often takes shelter pets a while to readjust to their new environments; many have been through a lot of change in a short time already. 

Shadow's family drove an hour to Wilmington to pick him up because that's where one of the humans got their first dog, who'd recently passed away after 12 years. They decided their remaining dog, Woogie, needed a friend. 

"Shadow was so sweet and perfect temperament. I instantly fell in love when he offered us his pa . Woogie, however, wasn’t convinced we needed another dog, lol. It took time and patience. Woogie finally realized it wasn’t a short-term decision and he wasn’t going anywhere.

"I’m glad we took the time and kept working with them. Now they are go everywhere together. And Shadow never leaves my side. 

"Thank you for giving me just what I needed in my life, and I can’t imagine Shadow not being a part of it."

Thank YOU for adopting Shadow and not giving up on him! 

May 30, 2024

Birthday update: 'She's still doing great!'

 What a beauty! 🤩

Grace's family guessed that she turned 1 this month, based on her estimated age when they adopted her. 

They told us: "She's still doing great and is absolutely beautiful!" We agree wholeheartedly!

Thank you for adopting Grace from the Clinton County Humane Society!

May 29, 2024

Griffin and his toy of many colors

 This is Griffin, who is doing very well in his new adoptive home. He loves his colorful new toys, although he may need to grow a little more to conquer some of them. 😻

If you’re interested in adding a kitten/cat to your life, now is the time. Although Griffin has been adopted, his siblings and many other kittens are either at the shelter or waiting in foster care to find forever homes!

May 28, 2024

Happy Gotcha Day, Ginny!

 One year ago today, one of the sweetest dogs ever was adopted by the perfect family for her! Ginny (formerly Grace) arrived at the shelter underweight with a super long toenails. However, her previous life of neglect in no way dimmed her sunny personality.

Ginny is a gentle hugger who obviously loves being part of her new family — and she has filled out with good nutrition underneath her silky and shiny coat! 

Ginny gets to hang out at soccer games and other fun places, charming people everywhere she goes. She has a staff of humans who give her baths, brush her hair, and brush her teeth. 

To celebrate Ginny’s Gotcha Day, her family loaded shelter supplies, humans, and Ginny the golden into the minivan to deliver it all to the shelter today, meeting the (very grateful volunteer) who had facilitated the adoption last year. Ginny gave much-needed hugs and proudly showed off her forever family who loves her the way a dog should be loved. 🦮

🐾❤️Happy Gotcha Day, Ginny! ❤️🐾

Thank you to Ginny’s family for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society! And thank you for the donations!

May 25, 2024

Handsome Hudson the husky is happy in his home

Hudson’s adoptive family might need to hire an agent for this pup with the rugged good looks and the movie-star mascara. 🤩

Adopted last month, Hudson continues to grow a little every day! The bigger he gets, the more cuteness there is to snuggle!

Thank you for adopting Hudson from the Clinton County Humane Society! #handsomehusky #adoptdontshop

May 24, 2024

We are thankful for our neighbors Amazon Air-KILN

 Thank you to Shari and the other generous folks at Amazon Air-KILN for donating all kinds of pet supplies for the animals at the Clinton County Humane Society! 

We appreciate our Amazon neighbors helping the shelter! 


May 20, 2024

Happy Gotcha Day, Kala!

Today is the three-year anniversary of Kala's Gotcha Day! 

Her family told us: "She loves to play hard but as she has aged, she also crashes hard.😃 She's still the best girl. We love her oh-so-much."

Thank you for adopting Kala from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

May 1, 2024

Hank's humans are all in love with him

Hank the puppy has found his forever home. His humans are all in love with him, and his canine siblings are coming around too. He now lives in northern Ohio, enjoying sunbeams, lots of toys, and a warm bed of his own.

We are so happy for this sweet boy who was rescued by our dog warden. 

Thank you for adopting Hank from the Clinton County Humane Society!

Banjo 'is such an amazing and smart puppy!'

Banjo is obviously under the tutelage of a strong and wise canine sibling, and he looks pretty happy about it! 

Update: "Hi! Banjo (aka Bandit) is such an amazing and smart puppy! Thank you so much for allowing us to add him to our family!"

Thank you for adopting Banjo!

April 30, 2024

Rocky definitely knows how to use his voice

 This sweet face belongs to Rocky the puppy, who was adopted February 5. His new owner reached out to let us know that he is enjoying his new home:

"I am obsessed over his 6 little toes on the back paws — so awesome, if you ask me! He is such a playful, loving dog. He definitely knows how to use his voice. He is a very, very vocal puppy and also such a lover when it comes to sleep time. 

"He is such an amazing addition to my household. Thank you guys so much!"

Thank YOU for adopting Rocky from the Clinton County Humane Society!

April 29, 2024

Beau is 'the happiest goofball ever'

This guy has looks AND personality, and his adopter appreciates everything about him. 

She told us: "Beau is doing amazing! He is a big boy and still growing! He is just the very best and I am so grateful to have him!"

He is smart and is "the happiest goof ball ever." He also loves to play and cuddle.

His adopter had Beau's DNA tested early on, and Beau is:

50% Dalmatian

23.4% poodle (standard)

17.2% Australian Shepherd

9.4% Miniature/MAS-type Australian Shepherd

Thank you for adopting Beau from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

April 28, 2024

'Thank you guys so much for bringing him into our lives'

At 8 years old, Zeke's divorcing parents decided they didn't want Zeke anymore, so they brought him to the dog pound. We took Zeke into our shelter, and at the time, he was covered in fleas, and his skin and ears were badly infected. 

He healed up in the six long months he spent at the humane society, waiting such a long time for someone to give a senior pittie a chance. Luckily, Zeke's big break came two Marches ago, when a kind and generous and loving family brought Zeke into their lives.

His family sent us this update:

"It’s now been 2 years since we adopted our sweet boy, Zeke!

"We moved back to WV to be closer to family and he is truly living his best life. He loves being king of the couch in our new home even though he has a bed in practically every room! 😂 He also still sits on all open laps and gives all the kisses you want!

"Thank you guys so much for bringing him into our lives and loving him so well before we got to! ❤️

—Zeke, Zeke’s Mom, and Zeke’s Dad"

Thank YOU for adopting Zeke from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

April 27, 2024

'I've been smiling since I got him'

Snoop, formerly Gizmo, has made his new family very happy, which makes us happy. ☺️

His adopter told us: "He has adjusted so well. I've been smiling since I got him. He has such a cute personality. His new name is Snoop because that's all he did when he first came home. Thank you so much for my new best friend."

Thank you for adopting Snoop from the Clinton County Humane Society!

April 26, 2024

Amy's Grooming in Wilmington does amazing work

 We are so grateful to Amy's Grooming in Wilmington, Ohio, for transforming neglected dogs so that they can find forever homes!

The first before-and-after is of Wilson, and the second is of Smokey, both adopted post-grooming.

April 25, 2024

Another generous donation from Equestrian Chic

Thank you AGAIN to Equestrian Chic Boutique for another generous donation of $650 to our shelter here in Wilmington, Ohio!

We will be able to do so much for homeless animals with that money! We are grateful! 

April 24, 2024

Three dog-ateers: Levi, Megan, and Hazel

Sometimes our volunteers are asked how we can regularly help at the humane society without adopting ALL the animals, and believe us, it is hard! So many of us adopt the animals we can handle, which keeps us able to keep returning to the shelter to help the animals we can't bring home. 

These three adorable pups — Levi, May (now Megan), and Hazel — live with a couple who volunteers regularly, and all three dogs are very lucky! 

April 23, 2024

Sienna already enjoys shopping at TSC

This sweet pup is Sienna, who went straight from her adoption appointment to TSC in Wilmington to choose her first comfy bed! She is now the little sister of another CCHS adoptee, Douglas the Dalmatian! 🥰 She is a lucky girl! 

April 22, 2024

Hank loves walks, playing, naps, rides, and camping

This adorable pup named Hank (formerly Murphy) was adopted March 17 is enjoying camping and car rides and all kinds of fun stuff!

His family told us, "He is starting to show us more and more of his silly and energetic personality each and every day! He loves walks, playing outside, camping, taking naps and car rides! He is a great cuddle buddy and gives the best kisses! He loves all of his toys and his blanket! He is doing great settling in and is learning so much so quickly! Thank you so much for allowing us to adopt our Hank! We absolutely love him and can’t wait to see how he grows!"

Thank YOU for adopting Hank from the Clinton County Humane Society!

April 21, 2024

Tate is 100 percent handsome!

Tate was adopted from the Clinton County Humane Society, and his family shared his DNA results after seeing a pup who looks very much like him (adopted from a different litter).

The results were vastly different, which goes to show that judging by looks is just a guessing game. 🤣

Either way, each dog is 100% handsome! 


49.9% Great Pyrenees 

25.3% American English Coonhound

18.6% American Pitbull Terrier

6.2% Boxer 

April 20, 2024

Thank you to TSC's management and customers!

 Thank you so much to the staff and customers of Tractor Supply Co. in Wilmington for donating several boxes of supplies, plus $82.20 worth of gift cards! We are so grateful to our local store and its management for thinking of us! 

TSC is very close to our facility and has a great selection of items not only for farm animals but for household pets too! The gift cards come in handy when we are running low on a certain supply.

April 19, 2024

Walk your dog with others and raise $$ for our shelter

The Wilmington College Veterinarians of Tomorrow is sponsoring its annual dog walk! This year's theme is "You’ve Got a Friend in Me!" This event is held each spring, giving community members the opportunity to come on out and enjoy the day with their pets as well as supporting a good cause! The group has paired with the Clinton County Humane Society! 

Don’t have a dog? There will be adoptable pups there from the humane society for you to walk! There will also be a few raffle items available for attendees, as well as treats for every pet! We hope to see you all April 27! The walk begins at 2pm! 


There is also a registration link if you are planning to be there!

Living his best life in the country to the north

 We would recognize those adorable ears anywhere! On the right is the formerly named Yukon, who spent three months waiting in the shelter for his forever family. He is now living his best life in Canada, happy as a clam! He deserves all the best!

Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!