Hi Becky,
Wanted to update you on our "little man".
He is now 6 months old and weighs in at 5 1/4 pounds! He received his
last shot this week for rabies...he is not too fond of the shots...lol.
The vet said he is an excellent specimen...of a "handful"! And in
perfect health.
He is fully potty trained and barks at the door to go out, he trots
around the neighborhood on walks like he owns the place...and make no
mistake...he is definitely the boss. He knows how to sit, stay and lie
down on command; and looks at you with those big brown eyes when he gets
into mischief.
He has a big boy bed (the attached picture) which he adores, and keeps
his many toys close by and sometimes lined up along the inside. He is a
"gatherer" we've determined and keeps his toys in clusters all over the
He loves to play and he and the cat have play-fights several times a
day. The cat acts like she is not interested...but we know better :)
He is an excellent passenger in the car and is ready at a moments
notice...and has been to many places in his dog carrying bag...which he
pops his head out of to be fawned over. He loves people and they love
We never thought that tiny 2 pounds of Chihuahua that we brought home
would be such a fabulous addition to our home and our lives.
Thanks again,
Caitlin and Karen White