August 29, 2024

☺️Doggie dream come true.☺️

From an update from his new family: “Wynn (now Mo) is doing amazing and is loving his new home.”

Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!

August 28, 2024

Dixie is quite happy with her new puppy!

A couple who had adopted a puppy from our shelter 14 years ago (he is now a 14-year-old dog named Levi Watson, who is pictured on the golf cart) came to CCHS yesterday to adopt little Bean, who had been in foster care. 

Bean's adoptive people said:

"Our pringer (DixieLu) is already sharing her toys. Dixie thinks we got HER a puppy." πŸ˜„

Thank you for adopting Bean and Levi Watson from the Clinton County Humane Society!

August 27, 2024

As one follower said, he is The 'Rock' of Doggywood

 Hudson is still very handsome even through his awkward teenage days. 

Thank you for adopting Hudson from the Clinton County Humane Society!

August 16, 2024

Happy birthday to Riley!

Riley’s 3rd birthday is today! Happy birthday to a beautiful CCHS adoptee! She is loved very much! 

August 11, 2024

'We thank you guys so much for our precious angel'

This past spring, we took care of a litter of husky-mix puppies whose names all started with H. 

We received this update on Hannah, now named Daisy May, and her family would love to see photos of any of the others, so feel free to comment on Facebook to connect.

"We adopted a dog from the husky-mix litter that was adopted out in April. We have Daisy May, formally known as Hannah. We wanted to share pictures for an update in hopes that the other husky-mix families would give an update as well. Daisy is an energetic, silly girl. She loves her toys and to play outside. She is growing like a weed and is already in a large-size collar and harness. She is so loved, and we just would like to see and hear the progress of the others if possible. We hope a post could get some attention, and we thank you guys so much for our precious angel. πŸ₯Ή"

Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

August 10, 2024

Wow! Thank you, Kroger shoppers!

 Wow! Thanks to all our Kroger shoppers, we received an $1,071 donation because you picked us as your Kroger Plus card charity! πŸ’΅ That money will help many homeless pets in Clinton County!🐢🐱

If you want to designate our organization to help animals, go to and pick Clinton County Humane Society to help animals every time you shop at no cost to you. Thank you! 

August 9, 2024

Longest resident Zuri finally found a home

So many of you shared Zuri's last post, and thanks to your kindness, our longest resident has finally found a home! πŸ™Œ

Now named Zero, his adoptive family said they are working on training with no jumping and no biting when he wants to play. He's apparently getting that down but has  moments where he forgets. 

"His first interaction with the TV was so funny he was very interested in the people on the big screen.

"He does amazing in the kennel once he is in there. I still have to bribe him, but he has gotten so much better about it. This is when I get the most attitude from him, lol. 

"I've never seen a big dog be an ankle biter, lol, but he only does this when he is throwing a tantrum, which is hilarious. 

"When it is time for me to sit down to work on my computer, he does amazing. He immediately associated the office as the calm room in the house, but all the other rooms are for play time. 

"Zero is my little big shadow, and I want to thank you guys so much for allowing me to adopt him. I will keep you all updated on his progress and, of course, send more pictures. These ones are the only ones I have that are not blurry because he is always on the move."

Thank YOU for adopting Zuri and giving him a chance!

August 8, 2024

Nadia and Nebula are living the spoiled life

An update on Nadia and her sister, who is now called Nebula:

"(They) are living a now spoiled life! They both do everything together, from play to sleep. They are both working on potty training and are doing decent at it. They they both love to include our 2-year-old when they play, chasing each other.

"Once again, thank you for all you do so that puppies like Nadia and Nebula can find their furever homes."

Thank you for adopting both Nadia and Nebula from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

August 7, 2024

'We are beyond thrilled she is ours'

This dog arrived at our shelter a much darker shade, almost a whole different color — because she was covered with biting fleas who'd been drawing blood for who-knows-how-long. Poor girl had been miserable! 

However, her life did a complete turnaround when she was adopted by a forever family who appreciates everything about her!

Now named Ellie, she is doing "very, very well!"

Her family told us: "She is so sweet and adorable! We are all in love with her, and the whole neighborhood welcomed her with joy and open arms. She goes everywhere with us, and she loves playing in the back yard and at home. She enjoys long walks in the neighborhood and in the woods too. She is our sweet girl and we are soooo happy she is part of our family. We are beyond thrilled she is ours πŸ™‚

"Thank you for trusting us to adopt Ellie. We love her very much! Thank you for all you do to help animals in need. ❤️"

Thank YOU for adopting Ellie from the Clinton County Humane Society! 


August 6, 2024

She 'has bonded with our beagle'

This sweet puppy has already been to a party with her friends! πŸ’…πŸ»

The family who adopted her told us: "Frances is doing really well and training her has been great. She is laid back and has bonded with our beagle, Micah. They’re having so much fun. Thanks again for your care of the animals at CCHS. You all make a difference!"

Thank YOU for adopting Frances from the Clinton County Humane Society!

August 5, 2024

'He's our son's little buddy'

Update on this sweet face, who has perfected his "puppy eyes": "Luka is doing great!!! He is our son's little buddy. He is such a sweet boy! We feel very lucky!"

Thank you for adopting Luka from the Clinton County Humane Society! 

August 4, 2024

Angel is still loving the good life

This is Angel, still loving the good life. She was adopted 8 years ago into a wonderful home, and her family said if Angel weren't so picky with her doggie friends, they'd be able to adopt another pupper. 

But we don't blame Angel for wanting all that love for herself — she's still making up for the first part of her life, pre-adoption. 🐾

August 3, 2024

'Training her has been wonderful'

This is Frances, who was adopted in late June by a family who had previously adopted two pups from us several years ago. Her family wanted us to know how impressed they are by her. "She seems really easygoing, and training her has been wonderful. She already does the big dog lean and loves to be right near us and gets along with our dogs wonderfully. Thank you for caring for the animals at CCHS."

Thank you for adopting AGAIN from the Clinton County Humane Society!

August 2, 2024

'They are happy and playing 24/7'

These two kittens (named Gem and Gemma at the shelter) were adopted by a wonderful family. The kittens are now named Jasmine and Iris. The family dog is named Ivy. Everyone is getting along. 

The family was torn about only adopting one of the kittens, but in the end they decided to adopt both. The kittens adore the little girl who lobbied so hard to adopt them, and they sleep on her bed "when they are not playing throughout the night." 😁 

Jasmine and Iris have a brand-new cat tree and tons of toys.

Their family told us: "They are amazing!!! They are happy and playing 24/7. I’m so glad we brought both of them home ❤️ I can’t imagine them not having each other."

Thank you for adopting Jasmine and Iris from the Clinton County Humane Society!

August 1, 2024

'He still loves looking outside'

 This is Mimo, checking out his kingdom. Then napping, of course. 

Formerly named Little One, he is now happily settled in at his adoptive home. 

Mimo's family told us: "He still loves looking outside, and we have lots of animals in the back yard that he watches. Thank you!"

Thank YOU for adopting Mimo from the Clinton County Humane Society!