Hi there,Just wanted to send some pic's and let you know that Whopper (now Orlando) is doing wonderful. He has fallen in love with Gretchen (my 8yr old Rott/mix) and her him (well, when he's not bitting on her). He is so smart. In one week, he has learned to sit, stay, come by his name and most importantly he listens when told "No". He has been going to work with me at the salon and Orlando is the apple of everyones eye. All his Aunties there are always babying him, trying to teach him to shake and help w/ taking him potty. He gets so much love. They were all upset when I didn't bring him one day because my boyfriend wanted to stay home with him. So he is a pretty popular little guy and will always be in a loving home. He was worth the drive. Thank you!~Kim FreymuthAnn Arbor, MI