Because of the influx of homeless animals since DHL's closing, we have just recently established the PROJECT ABIGAIL FUND. Named after Abigail, the supermom that raised her nine pups and then raised another six pups that were orphaned when they were four days old. This fund will be used exclusively for the sterilizing the moms of all the litters as well as ther pups and kittens in their litter. This spay/neuter operation must be agreed to before we accept the litters. The operation is done at no expense to the owners. Owers have the choice of keeping their dog or turning her over to us. We take in 1-3 litters per week. We adopt out our dogs, cats, puppies and kittens only if they are spayed/neutered. We had a record number of adoptions in May...114. So as you can see, our spay/neuter budget is being hit hard.
Cash donations will always be welcome as a way to keep this crucial project funded. Another win-win ongoing fundraiser you might enjoy. 25% of every Mary Kay order will also be used exclusively for this project. Mary Kay is the world's leading skin care and color cosmetics company. Go to www.marykay.com/bthumma or call 937 527 9018 or email jl.thumma@gmail.com for more information.
We do need your help at this time. Thank you, please call 937 527 9018 for more information.