To the staff of the Clinton County Humane Society,
Thursday Oct.28th my husband and I made a trip to your shelter.
We came to see Oliver,(now Ollie ) a 11 month old dachshund, and we took him home with us.
My granddaughter had been wanting a yorkie and saw Armante a yorkie /schnauzer mix on your site, she went Saturday Nov. 6th and picked up Armante (now Monte).
When I was looking on your site and found Oliver, I was drawn to Versace, a terrier/schauzer mix.I kept watch and no one adopted him, so we decided maybe Ollie needed a playmate.But did we really want or need two dogs ???
Jennifer suggested that we foster Versace ,to see if he would fit with our family and Ollie.So Nov . 8th ,we picked Versace for a trial run. We had pro-con list for him. Well needless to say he won the pro list and a week an a half later we adopted Versace (now Barney).
All three boys are doing very well and all three love their play days at Grandpa and Grandma's..
Thank You very much and Merry Christmas from ours to yours. Dale, Diana, Kassaundra, Ollie, Monte and Barney