May 12, 2020

Tank is a handsome boy who lavishes affection on the humans he meets at the Clinton County Humane Society. Unfortunately, 4-year-old Tank had an enlarged prostate when he arrived at our shelter. Poor guy was urinating blood. 
The veterinarian said because of his health issue Tank had likely been in a terrible amount of pain — when he got to us and in his prior life chained outside.
Now, after his neuter surgery, antibiotics, and pain medication, Tank is feeling great. His urine is clear and he has a good attitude.
The additional cost of $450 comes at a time when donations are more precious than ever, so we are asking for your help to cover the unexpected expense. If you can only donate a few dollars, it can add up really quickly.
Also, we have had a great deal of kittens lately, so if you’re able to drop off a bag of cat litter (any inexpensive brand), please do so on our covered front porch at 1760 Fife Ave. in Wilmington.
Thank you for supporting the homeless animals in our area!

You can donate via PayPal on our website (there's a link on the right of the page), or there's a fundraiser on our Facebook page,