May 31, 2024

A great example of allowing for adjustment

That is Shadow on the right — he is a great example of how a family gave him time to fit into their household before giving up on him. And now he's theirs "for life." 

It often takes shelter pets a while to readjust to their new environments; many have been through a lot of change in a short time already. 

Shadow's family drove an hour to Wilmington to pick him up because that's where one of the humans got their first dog, who'd recently passed away after 12 years. They decided their remaining dog, Woogie, needed a friend. 

"Shadow was so sweet and perfect temperament. I instantly fell in love when he offered us his pa . Woogie, however, wasn’t convinced we needed another dog, lol. It took time and patience. Woogie finally realized it wasn’t a short-term decision and he wasn’t going anywhere.

"I’m glad we took the time and kept working with them. Now they are go everywhere together. And Shadow never leaves my side. 

"Thank you for giving me just what I needed in my life, and I can’t imagine Shadow not being a part of it."

Thank YOU for adopting Shadow and not giving up on him!