May 28, 2024

Happy Gotcha Day, Ginny!

 One year ago today, one of the sweetest dogs ever was adopted by the perfect family for her! Ginny (formerly Grace) arrived at the shelter underweight with a super long toenails. However, her previous life of neglect in no way dimmed her sunny personality.

Ginny is a gentle hugger who obviously loves being part of her new family — and she has filled out with good nutrition underneath her silky and shiny coat! 

Ginny gets to hang out at soccer games and other fun places, charming people everywhere she goes. She has a staff of humans who give her baths, brush her hair, and brush her teeth. 

To celebrate Ginny’s Gotcha Day, her family loaded shelter supplies, humans, and Ginny the golden into the minivan to deliver it all to the shelter today, meeting the (very grateful volunteer) who had facilitated the adoption last year. Ginny gave much-needed hugs and proudly showed off her forever family who loves her the way a dog should be loved. 🦮

🐾❤️Happy Gotcha Day, Ginny! ❤️🐾

Thank you to Ginny’s family for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society! And thank you for the donations!