Merry Christmas from Fanci and Fiona! They are 13 years old, and their owner says they are “still doing fabulous!”
Thank you for adopting Fanci and Fiona from the Clinton County, Humane Society!
Home of the Clinton County Humane Society, located in Wilmington, Ohio. To Adopt: Please complete the Pre-Adoption Questionnaire (located on the right side of this website, below the PayPal icon) and send it to us. If it's a match, we will contact you it to set up an appointment for you to come in to meet and possibly adopt a pet. Because we are staffed by volunteers, adoptions are by appointment only. We can only accept cash/check for adoption fees.
Merry Christmas from Fanci and Fiona! They are 13 years old, and their owner says they are “still doing fabulous!”
Thank you for adopting Fanci and Fiona from the Clinton County, Humane Society!
Merry Christmas from 11-year old Lily and 10-month-old Katie and Scarlet!
Their family told us, “These sweet girls captured our hearts! Thank you, Clinton County Humane Society❣️”
Thank YOU for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Merry Christmas from Lily!
She was adopted by a family who worked very hard to integrate Lily with their dogs, and Lily has been reaping the rewards ever since. 🥰
Her family told us: “She's living the good life. Two years later and she's as happy as can be.”
Thank you for adopting Lily from the Clinton County Humane Society!
When shelter volunteers dream of homes for the unwanted and neglected animals who end up at our humane society, we are dreaming that they are just like this one.
This boy's home is perfect for him. And now he even gets to nap under Christmas trees, which is what we sometimes think shelter pets dream of.
Rescued by the dog warden, Bentley had matted, patchy fur and was generally looking pretty rough, even though his cuteness came shining through.
Lucky for him, he was adopted into an awesome family of dog people who not only care for him and love him but teach him new tricks and manners. Named Woody by his new family, he started to look better really quickly — that could have something to do with all the comfy beds and couches he sleeps in now. (He hogs the pillow. 🤣)
Woody's family told us: "He loves to go on car rides and take walks, and cuddling is his favorite." He is good with the family's other dogs, and he puts his head on the grandbabies.
Best of all, he is loved like we wish all pets were loved.
Thank you for adopting Woody from the Clinton County Humane Society, and please tell him Merry Christmas!
We want to thank the folks at Alma's Attic in Wilmington for holding a fundraiser for our shelter, bumping the cash donation up to $500 (!!), and being a big part of the reason Dallas was adopted today!
Dallas had gone on a little shopping trip to personally thank Alma's Attic for its "Yappy Howlidays" event, and someone saw his pictures that we posted of him visiting the store (briefly, since we were worried his big tail might take out something breakable 😝). That person who saw Dallas's post then applied for him and adopted him this morning!
Yappy Howlidays to all!
An update on Tate.
An “upTate,” if you will. ☺️
“I think Tate is really taking to living in a house 🥰 He is the absolute sweetest boy and doing so well with house training so far! He’s already learned to go to the back door to let me know he has to go!! He’s a quick learner!”
Thank you for adopting Tate from the Clinton County Humane Society!
"This is a message from Riley Jade, but you probably remember me as JiJi who was adopted in June by my human, Whitney.
"I'm doing really well! I'm a big 6-month-old now, and my doctor says I have good strong, healthy lungs & heart, my tummy is good, and I even have all of my big girl teeth now! I like him OK, even though he gave me shots in my butt! 🥴
"My kitty big sister, Emma, is starting to adjust to me. I say she loves me but just won't admit it! When we're not chasing each other at top speed, we like to watch the birds & squirrels together. Recently, I've been watching the leaves fall outside, and I'm very excited to see this snow stuff the humans keep talking about!
"My humans are great! I love to sneak up and play tag with Mama, plus if I'm good she'll share a bite of her food with me! My human big sister, Whitney, who I'm making type this for me, is my favorite human. I follow her everywhere and make her cradle me in her arms like a human baby. My doctor even commented on our bond. I take most of the credit for that — I'm very lovable!
"Some of my favorite things are my many toys, my kitten treats that are made just for babies like me, and paper grocery bags that are TONS of fun. And I've just discovered this neat thing called a heater that looks like a fireplace and I like to stretch out in front of it & get toasty warm when it's cold.
"Well, I just wanted to say hi! I'm having my human attach some pictures of me. I'm so cute that a video of me Whitney posted online got 2K views in a day & a half! Well, it's a rainy night so I'm going to get in bed with Whitney and watch TV, which I love!
"Love & Paw Prints,
Riley Jade"
The Clinton County Humane Society is glad you found a great adoptive home, Riley Jade!
Shelter dog nirvana level reached: Coco on the couch! (Well, actually, Deebo on the davenport!)
"We wanted to give you an update on Coco (now Deebo). He is such a sweet boy! Loves our boys and other dogs. He likes to sleep on the bed with us at night and loves, loves, loves his couch time in the evenings. We cannot be happier with our decision to adopt Coco. Thank you for all your help 🙏"
Thank YOU for adopting Deebo!
This is one of our recent kittens finding sunbeams in her new home.
Her family told us: "We’re so happy with her! She’s such a great addition to our lil family and gets along so well with our cat and small dog. Thank you so much!"
Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Look at the happy faces in this update!
"Here is the former Bailey, now known as Coco, with her new human siblings and canine sister. Her human sister had tears of joy because she was so happy & surprised to meet her!"
The canine sister is 6-year-old Ruby, who came from Adopt a Pit Rescue.
Thank you for adopting Bailey from the Clinton County Humane Society! And thank you, Science Diet, for a partnership that allows us to provide bags of high-quality dog food to our adopters.
We are all ears for this update on Molly!
"Good afternoon, Clinton County Humane Society!
"I just wanted to send a note of thanks to you and an update on Molly, who we adopted from you all 2 years ago ... She is our sassy little spitfire sweetie who loves as hard as she barks at passersby from our porch!
"I can't imagine our life without her, and I'm fairly certain no being will ever love me the way this little girl does. We love her so much, and I like to think she is so happy to be a part of our family! Our pack love fest was made possible by your amazing organization and I'm grateful to you for the work you did not only in connecting our family to Molly, but for all of the other families you have made whole with all of the pets you have helped out as well.
"Please enjoy a few pictures of Molly enjoying her best life and know that you have our deepest gratitude!"
Thank you for adopting Molly from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Tanner was last of his litter of five to be adopted, but good things come to those who wait!
Now named Buck, he is growing big and strong, and he has a fabulous family of humans and dogs!
His adopter told us: "He’s honestly so good. Fitting into the routine and has great manners for a puppy. He’s obsessed with me and has to follow me every time I get up. He wants to play more than his sisters would like to, so they’re teaching him to be pretty chill with their low tolerance, lol. But they all get along. We love him very much 🥰"
Thank you for adopting Buck from the Clinton County Humane Society!
You may remember that at 14 years old, Molly was abandoned when her owner moved away. But this sad story has a happy ending — Molly found a home!
Her adopter told us: "Molly is doing great! I heard barely a peep out of her all the way home and she’s settled in so nicely here. She’s quite the little purr machine!"
Thank you for adopting Molly from the Clinton County Humane Society!
It has been more than six weeks since Rex (formerly known as Sid) was adopted after he had been abandoned. Rex was kind of a mess, but his adopter took a chance on him, and she recently updated us to tell us how happy they are that Rex is part of their family.
"Rex came to you/me as severely malnourished and underweight stray. Well, after a month of good food, lots of treats and coconut oil, he is back to a very healthy weight and a shiny coat with no more dandruff. (I’m guessing he’s gained approximately 10-15 lbs.). It seems as though he knows he’s handsome again, too. I swear he struts his stuff when we’re out and about! He looks fantastic now, and he knows it.
"I am assuming he was abandoned, because he does have so much love to share with any willing human. Cuddling and relaxation is definitely his superpower and preferred activity. He does a slow approach, cuddle sneak when ever he’s trying to get a good lap position.
"Rex was adopted into a family with a younger dog who has a bit more energy than Rex. Most of the time, Rex is a willing playmate for his younger brother, Lincoln. Rex has developed excellent manners off leash, comes when he’s called, sits, and willingly puts on his outdoor jacket and gets his paws waxed. (Oh, yes, Rex now lives in St. Paul, MN. The dogs here get bundled up to go out in the winter!). We are working on other commands like “lay down” and “stay." Rex wants to please so bad, and sometimes it looks as if he’s thinking back into his old days to conjure up those words and their meanings …
"The first few days I had Rex, I doubted myself … had I made a mistake? But knowing that everything happens for a reason and seeing how much Rex has flourished and how good it makes me feel to have him always by my side loving on me and keeping me warm melts away any doubt I’ve ever had about bringing Rex into my life. Can’t imagine it without him. Thank you so much."
Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!
About a month ago a young family came into the shelter for a scheduled adoption and went home with both a puppy and a kitten.
The puppy is now named Chase, and the family said, "He is the perfect dog and best friend!"
The kitten is now named Zuma, and "he is as sweet as can be!" He sleeps with his best buddy each night.
Thank you for adopting Chase and Zuma from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Amy's Pet Grooming in Wilmington, Ohio, has been incredibly generous to our animals and the shelter over the years! Please consider stopping by before Dec. 16, 2022, for a raffle ticket for various prizes or a 50/50 drawing!
Amy’s is located at 149 S. Mulberry St. in Wilmington, Ohio. 🐾
Sally was adopted just a couple months ago from our shelter and hasn't stopped growing since. 😄 She has wonderful human and doggie friends now, and we are thrilled that she found her fantastic forever home!
Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Kala had ended up at our shelter after her people divorced. Because she was a little older, it took awhile to find Kala’s forever home.
But her family just sent us this update that raises our holiday spirit!
“Kala will be celebrating her 2nd Christmas with us. She is absolutely the best dog. And smart too. Even at 8, she is learning new tricks.”
Thank you for adopting Kala from the Clinton County, Humane Society!
We are thankful for happy endings!
Love this update:
“Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 I just wanted to share our Husker🐶 Four years ago today we adopted him from your shelter. His name at that time was Cloud. He is the absolute best dog!! He’s an absolute joy to have in our home. He’s fit in since day one with his two fur sisters and there 2 legged siblings😄 His biggest downfall is he thinks he’s a five-pound (100-pound) dog😂😂 We love him to pieces!!!”
We are thankful you adopted Husker from the Clinton County Humane Society!
We are thankful for these first-year honors students at Wilmington College who recently helped the shelter by raking leaves and cleaning dog yards. The students also spent time with a dog named Ink, who is still available for adoption.
Here’s Ink’s profile:
From Ace’s people:
“Just wanted to share a pic of Ace from this morning. 🙂
“He loves to go for walks and loves the people we meet along the way. He is everyone’s best friend!
“Thank you for all that you do!”
Thank YOU for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Hazel is happy in her new house, where she loves taking frequent naps and finding sunbeams.
Her new family told us: "She’s doing really good. She’s very spoiled and very rotten, haha. Love her ❤️❤️🥰"
Thank you for adopting Hazel from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Theo's owners said this is him being nosey. He has a lot of territory to cover, so he needed a step up.
Theo is about 7 months old, adopted from our shelter, and part of 19 puppies from one un-neutered male. (All pups were spayed/neutered by our shelter.)
Thank you for adopting Theo from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Ava is a sweet and smart girl who has found a fabulous home, where she is treated like part of the family.
They told us: "Just wanted you to know that we love Ava! She is still a little shy but getting into a routine! She gets sick in the car, but figured out that if she has something to chew on like a pig ear she is ok! Hope you have a great day!"
Thank you for adopting Ava from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Dolly and Luna were each adopted into fabulous families who are related, allowing the two dogs to hang out together and reflect on their good fortune and their lives full of love and adoration. 💞
Thank you for adopting Dolly and Luna from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Peanut the puppy and his "big" sister P.J. go together like peanut butter and jelly, like yin and yang. She is showing this sweet pup the ropes, and their family is teaching Peanut what forever love feels like.
Thank you for adopting Peanut from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Sparkles is living large with her forever family.
They told us: "Sparkles continue to grow, she has quite the personality. She is very energetic, eats all her toys, and loves being the center of attention. Her current favorite toy is the donut in the pictures. She runs throughout the house running into everything 🤣"
Thank you for adopting Sparkles from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Lumen (formerly Violet) is a beautiful blue pittie who is loved and adored in her adoptive home, living her best life!
Her family told us: "She has adjusted so well and is loving her new furever home! Thank you so much for helping us find our beautiful girl!"
Thank you for adopting Lumen from the Clinton County Humane Society!
It has been a little more than a month since sweet puppy Remi (formerly Axel) was adopted, and his family wanted to let us know that they are "so thankful" to have him!
"His sister, Gracie, has warmed up to him, and he has brought out the puppy in her again. Remi has enjoyed meeting all of the dogs in our neighborhood, and has to say hello to every person he comes across.
"He loves to play, but he’s also the best snuggle bug and a complete mama’s boy! Remi has been the perfect addition to our family ☺️"
Thank you for adopting Remi from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Bo has many skills already, including subtly letting you know his bowl might need to be refilled. 😆
From Bo's new family:
"It's been about 6 weeks since we adopted Major (now Bosin, or "Bo"). He will sit, come, lay down, stay, and roll over. He is pretty much potty-trained. He has been a great addition to our family! Thank you."
Thank YOU for adopting Bo from the Clinton County Humane Society!
So glad Shorty found his forever home!
"Just wanted to send you guys some pictures! We took him camping and he had a blast — he especially loved playing with my parents' corgi and getting lots of belly rubs and naps. He is truly such a good dog."
Thank you for adopting from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Bristol's life is sooooo much better now that he is in his new home, sleeping soundly, surrounded by love.
Abandoned in the country as a little pup, he was adopted a few weeks ago from our rescue organization (shelter name: Copper) by the perfect human family for him, and he also has a big brother, Memphis, a redbone coonhound.
Hunting dogs are extra hard to adopt in our area, so we are thrilled that Bristol is with people who understand the characteristics of his breed and treat him like part of the family.
His family told us: "Bristol follows Memphis around the house and likes to lay next to him to chew on bones. We are working on the potty training. It’s been going fairly well so far since Bristol is highly motivated by praise and pieces of his puppy food."
Thank you so much for adopting Bristol from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Update on Rosemary:
"We adopted Rosemary a couple of months ago, she’s one of the 19 Rottweiler mix puppies and like her siblings, she’s all legs and growing quickly. The vet did confirm that her eye issue is a juvenile cataract that she was born with, she can only see light on that side but it doesn’t seem to slow her down at all. She is WILD and we call her 'wiggle worm' because she’s always happy and wagging her whole body, or 'nosy Rosie' because she loves to see what everyone else is up to."
Keiko found her new family at 8 years old, and she is living the good life in her new home. Keiko is a gorgeous girl was adopted in May by a fantastic family in Dayton. They said she's a great dog!
Thank you for adopting Keiko from the Clinton County Humane Society!
Cash has decided to take "Bloom where you're planted" to heart. 😆
Cash (formerly named Quince) and his siblings had thrown into a ditch, covered in feces, when they were rescued in April. They cleaned up beautifully, though, and were sweet and laid-back litter, all with fruit-themed names at the shelter (siblings Apple, Apricot, Clementine, and Cherry). Cash spent a day at whole day at Wilmington's Earth Day Experience, meeting all kinds of children and grown-ups, and he was the perfect gentleman. We were so thrilled that he was adopted into a loving home!
Cash's people had his DNA tested and wanted to share with anyone else who has adopted from that litter.
His family wrote: "We can't thank you enough for allowing us to adopt Cash. He is a sweetheart. He is loving life with his sister, Jolene."
Thank you for adopting Cash from the Clinton County Humane Society!
This sweet stick-loving pup is Ace, formerly named Rocket, who was adopted from our shelter after he was abandoned. He was a sweetheart who deserves his truly forever family, who let us know that he is doing really well and is an amazing part of their family.
"We just can’t believe home much bigger he was gotten already. We walk in town and everyone just loves Ace. 🙂"
Thank you for adopting Ace from the Clinton County Humane Society!
This beautiful girl landed in a loving adoptive home, and her family recently told us how well she is doing:
“I meant to update you all long ago how much we love our kitty from you — now named ‘Letty’ (like ‘Fast & Furious’ movies).
“She is a great cat and gets along with all humans and animals seamlessly.
“Thanks again!”
Thank YOU for adopting Letty from the Clinton County Humane Society!
"Happy one month Gotcha Day on Aug. 23 to this lil nugget! His tiny lil 7 lb self has grown into a sturdy 23 lbs in just 4 weeks.
Maci took her freedom ride last month, and she’s a great example of what love and care can do for an animal.
Her family told us, “She is spoiled and rotten.”
Maxx was adopted two weeks ago, and his new family let us know how he has been doing since then.
“He made the trip home to Michigan like a champ (slept the entire way) and is settling in very well.
“He’s learning the routine of the house quickly, loves his toys and playing with his new big sister.
“He’s just the sweetest little soul, and everyone who meets him falls in love. “Thanks for connecting me with this lovely little boy. 😊”
Thank you for adopting Maxx from the Clinton County Humane Society!